Monday, September 06, 2021

Free Guy Review


So I went to see this with my wife last night.   Pleasantly surprised.  Pleasantly surprised.  I hadn't been out for a date in a while and the wife and I decided to eat a nice dinner out and then catch this movie and it was very good.  My wife wants to watch it again, and I have to agree, this movie does what many CGI modern movies don't do : cater to a well-written script and not rely on CGI effects to carry the show.   Ryan Reynolds is a guy who lives in a video game.   I'm not going to spoil this, but slowly he realizes he has a free will! This causes a lot of development for those who expect NPC (Non-Playable Characters) to actually just do what they are told.   Overall this movie delivers on drama, action, comedy and romance and that is a tall order to fill.  If you are looking for horror that is about the only genre this movie won't fill (and I'm thankful for that).  Overall though the message is rock solid.   I would recommend this movie to reflect on life in the real world and realize that God's gift of a free will is really something you shouldn't waste.   Recommended.

Sunday, June 06, 2021

Learning From The Year 2020

Wow, 2019 was my last post.  Definitely need some updates.  So here it goes:   As you can tell by the posts movies are not my main hobby to review anymore.   I much prefer good Kindle books that stimulate me to think and occasional funny TV shows on Amazon Prime (Life in Pieces - I'm looking at you!).  2020 was a crazy year as most people know so I won't go into the boring ways to spend time when nothing is open.... yawn yawn yawn.  The good news is that life is getting back to normal - the media continues to ignore real news stories that don't support what they want you to know and vaccines are heavily being pushed but masks are slowly losing encouragement and people are thankfully returning to life before the crazy 2020 year.  

Change is good, so I'm thankful for all the people who are getting vaccinated and how businesses are staying open and returning to operations like before that crazy 2020 year.  So what can we learn from these crazy times of pandemics?  

1.  Remote work is a viable option for many companies.  My company was one that allowed me to work from home and I was deeply thankful for that during the past year.   I'm noticing even larger companies are becoming more open to that and that is great news for those who have that option.   I transitioned to another company in the last few weeks, and finding work that allowed remote work was a lot easier than I was prepared for.    I'm glad to see that remote work is getting more promotion in 2021 and hope that despite Tim Cook telling his people they all have to return to work 3 days of every work week,  that companies will continue to remain open to remote workers who get much accomplished for them.

2.  It is important to stay focused on the vision you have during times of stress.  Stress can do many things to people and many people resort to unhealthy ways to cope with it.   It totally made it difficult that gyms across America closed which limited people in this country from working out when they lived in a place that couldn't support many exercise equipment devices.   I used to own a treadmill myself and then I tried to move with one, and realized they are a total pain to move around and make the whole moving process much more painful.  Lesson learned - pay a gym  (when open and available) to keep and maintain the heavy exercise equipment and never worry about breaking your back as you try to move it down a flight of stairs!  All that to say - stay focused on your life goals when times get stressful and restaurants, gyms and companies shut down.   Focus on what matters.   Quality time with God and your family - and don't ignore outside friendships due to fear of illness.   A little care goes a long way.  If Zoom isn't your thing (not always mine - not going to lie),  take a risk and meet people in person.  Life is more meaningful when you focus on things and people outside yourself.

3. Healthcare is not going anywhere.  I work in IT .  That being said through 2020 I realized that healthcare is not going anywhere.   If you are not nauseous over blood maybe consider a career in healthcare if you are open to a job switch.

4. Stay Open to Future Opportunities - yeah the past was not a blast.   But 2021 has a lot of potential regardless of the state of the pandemic.  I'm glad things are re-opening and people are starting to socialize again (including churches) - but I'm open to gaining some new hobbies, learning some new games, and maybe teaching myself to draw.    Staying open to new opportunities, new hobbies and for me - a new job opportunity has helped me to to adapt to the changes ahead.   And guess what?  Things won't stay this way forever.   Even after COVID is a history book page,  things will continue to change and the better I can adapt to that fact, the easier the future will be handled.   God is still at work in this world, and that always keeps the future interesting.   If you are bored with where you are - maybe ask God for a chance to join Him in something and then keep your eyes open!  Here's to an exciting year ahead!