Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Effect of this blog

Crazy picture of me around New Years 2007. (now removed)

Today while listening to a great message preached at my church, our pastor challenged us to think about the effect our blog has on others. I thought that was interesting because I wondered if all my weird movie reviews were what others would call "uplifting". Sure, the material may not be that offensive, but really who cares what I think about movies. From what I can see (my observations in talking to others), I have strange movie tastes anyway compared to many movie buffs out there, so I really am considering quitting the movie reviews on my blog. I want this blog to be something that people find useful and at least leave with a better perspective on life as a result of the material contained in this blog. Maybe this wouldn't be from me, but as long as I am quoting others and reflecting on what truly matters in life, work and recreation, maybe that would be more beneficial to all those in blog-readerville than my two cents on movies. So I challenge all those who read this to leave me a comment as to if my movie reviews should continue or whether there should be more variation in content of this blog. Yes, I do recognize that I have been negligent in updating, but part of that is related to the fact that I haven't been watching movies as much. I did watch "When Harry Met Sally" and "Michael" but have yet to write a review on these. Anyway - let me know what you would prefer to see on a blog like this.


Anonymous said...

Paul and Chrystal, I think more personal stuff would be great. Or diversify some, maybe do some movie reviews and then some book reviews. A review of a Christian book would be more edifying perhaps and then you can share what you learned or how you want to change because of what you read.

Anonymous said...

Stick to the movie reviews. We don't want to know what happens in your life. We just want to know what your opinion is on different movies.
-Chairman of the Blogger Community

Paul said...

Hmmm, the first and third comments sound very similar to what some former co-workers would have said... well as you can see I haven't given up completely on the movie reviews. Tomorrow I may have some oatmeal for breakfast.

luke middleton said...

Write what you know. And what you care about.

Angel said...

I enjoy your movie reviews. When you review movies I've seen, I generally agree with your opinions of them. So when you review movies I haven't seen, I figure your opinions are pretty close to what mine would be and based on that I decide whether I want to actually watch the movie. For example, I now think I am going to forego "Cool Hand Luke."

I think your blog does serve a useful purpose in that respect because you are evaluating movies from a conservative Christian standpoint, which is rare. So in that sense, I think it is edifying to your fellow brothers and sisters. :) Please keep it up!

(I sure miss FCC and those great thought-provoking messages. Take advantage of them. :))