Friday, December 05, 2008

Farce of the Penguins - So Much Potential, Yet...

OK this movie was also on HBO and having seen and enjoyed "March of the Penguins", I thought this might be worth a watch. Basically it is a bunch of footage about Carl - a penguin who thinks he has an eating disorder and is depressed about the meaning of his life. He trudges along with his buddy penguins in search of a mate. First of all, let me say - this movie has a TON of potential to be funny and entertaining at the same time. Bob Saget however, seemed to delight in potty jokes and adult-oriented humor throughout the whole movie. Do you enjoy watching penguins fart and tell off-color jokes? If so this may be your type of movie. However, for me it got old and distasteful very quickly and I didn't even finish this movie. I am kind of surprised that movies like "March of the Penguins" became so popular. That's why a witty script with some good jokes and voice-overs could have been a hilarious documentary. Unfortunately, this movie is all about potty-mouth penguins talking about reproduction. Not that funny. I would recommend skipping this one.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree honey. There was potential there to be a great movie. Sadly, when people lack creativity they use foul language and potty humor. Chrystal

Jason Hotelling said...

Did you ever watch March of the Penguins? If I haven't seen either of these, would you recommend seeing the real thing first?