Monday, June 27, 2016

A Non-Boring Article on How to Kill Boredom

Boredom is something most people deal with at some time in their life.  It usually begins with a lot of excess time and can actually ADD to the stress in your life.  What to do? Where to go? How to plan? All these things can leave anyone in a state where they don't know if they should do anything and when/where to do it.  Boredom seems to start in childhood.  Children have lots of time to find things to do.  How creative they are in spending their time many times determines how bored they are as a child.  Young adults also face boredom.  This is usually remedied by reading, getting into a TV or movie, or spending time with others in their age group.   This article will try to diagnose the cause and list some ways that will help anyone avoid being bored on a continual basis.

The Causes of Boredom

I've come to the conclusion that most types of boredom are caused by one of three issues. Here they are:

1.  No Goals Set

This is the number one reason people get bored in my understanding. Without a goal - whether it be graduate college, beat a video game,  achieve a certification, or get married and have a family - many people just don't know where to go because they have nothing to aim for.  Goal setting is essential if you want to avoid boredom.  It is this first step that allows you to set mini-achievements to reach your goal that will kill boredom in your life.

2. Goals Are Set but No Progress Toward Them

This occurs when someone sets out to make goals but either makes them too long-term, or doesn't seek small enough mini-achievements to reach them.  Then this will develop into some great goals on  paper with no momentum to reach them.  It is important to set achievable mini-achievements so that there is some sense of accomplishment as you head toward your goal.  If you have goals and aren't reaching them, you may be stuck in boredom-land and be faced with an overwhelming understanding of how to reach the goals you have set.  It is time to break your goals into smaller pieces and be asking yourself : "What can I do today that will help me get one step closer to this goal?".   Mini-achievements should take no longer than 30 days to help you feel closer to your overall goal. 

3.  Lack of Responsibility

This is one of the key reasons children get bored so easily.  Suddenly when people become adults they are given the responsibilities to work a 40 hour week, raise children who depend on them, and take care of those who rely on them.  If you are someone who is reaching his/her goals on a regular basis but still find yourself bored often, maybe there are some ways you can add some responsibility to your life to help you stay involved with others.  Here are some ideas if you find yourself lacking responsibility:

A. Think about adopting a pet (cat/dog).  Pets add some definite responsibility to your life and they depend on you for love and support.  A nice cat/dog can really enhance your life and keep you busy if you find yourself not sure how to spend your time.  Dogs have to be walked on a regular basis and are really great companions, and cats can be great in their own way as well.

B. Consider Volunteering in Your Church or Community.  Churches are great places to get involved with others that share similar values, and volunteering can give you a chance to get out of your comfort zone and meet other people as well as serve those in need.  Habitat for Humanity is a great program to get involved in that allows you to help out with home repair and building with a group of people.   If you find yourself tired of Netflix and ready to branch out - consider looking up some churches or volunteer efforts near you to see how you can get involved.

C. Consider Adding a Hobby.   Hobbies can be a great constructive way to spend your time as long as they don't consume too much of your time and money.   There are hobbies out there for just about any interest under the sun.   My personal ones include : running for recreational purposes, playing chess, and watching good movies.  These all help me to recharge after a long day (or before in the case of running) and also give me an outlet that is different than my 9 to 5 job.   Hobbies can also be a great way to meet others who enjoy the same interests and all these factors help you in a major way to avoid the "b" word.

Being bored is a choice.  We all can creatively come up with ways to spend our time, and sometimes it involves branching out to meet new people, experience new things, or try different hobbies.  Netflix is fun, but after a while it can really pay off to turn off the television, shut off the video game console, and get involved with hobbies and responsibilities that don't just entertain you,  but actually grow and develop you.   Why not start one today?

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