Saturday, August 06, 2016

Limitless: The Potential for Greatness

Wow, I could relate to the main character in this film. Brian Finch (Bradley Cooper) is a writer with years of "writers block." He has trouble getting....

Okay, I literally wrote that start of a sentence on June 21. This irked Paul to no end. I find it hilarious. If you watch this film, Limitless, life really can imitate art or art does imitate life. I related to the main character so much that it's a little too close to home for me. Brian Finch is a professional writer that cannot crystallize all the ideas in his head and get them to work in a coherent organized manner. Everyone keeps looking at him baffled as to why he can't "get it together" when he has so much potential. I empathized with the character because it shows how exasperating modern life is when you struggle specifically with executive function skills. As an adult, you are expected to do a lot of left-brained living (work, pay bills, clean house, and maintain relationships) that completely relies on your ability to use executive function skills. If you haven't learned these skills and you are a creative right-brained type it's hard to make a living doing what you love because of pesky details like deadlines. Trust me I know. The right-brained types are just trying to look the part and hope you do not notice the hula-hooping we did behind the scenes.

Sadly, Brian Finch succumbs to unhealthy coping mechanisms and is basically self-destructing. That is until he gets a hold of a 'miracle' drug called NZT that has not yet been released on the market. Suddenly, he can actually focus and retain all the information in his brain and make it work to his advantage. Is this movie take a look at ADHD and drugs such as Ritalin and Adderal? I think the movie points a finger at the pharmaceuticals. How they manipulate us, how we don't always know what is in the drugs we take, and how people become addicted to the quick fix.

Our society has a different definition of success than God's definition. When you accept the Lord God as your Savior your priorities become His. Therefore, even if you never get accolades from others: you will always be valued in the eyes of the One who matters.

Here is my movie review summary:

1. Obviously, I am fascinated by the educational information coming out about "executive skills." So, for that reason I was very glued to this story line.
2.There is one violent scene in the beginning and I thought that would be it, but sadly this movie right in the middle goes into a very violent scene because everyone wants to get a hold of this drug. It becomes gory! It was so intense I had to hide under a blanket. Yes, I know. I'm a wimp.
3. Pick your own ending twist. The end of the movie will leave you so perplexed that you will be loudly debating the last few scenes, re-watching the last few moments, and trying to figure out the conclusion of the film, which is awesome!

Three out of five stars.


Reaching Your Full Potential by Charles Stanley (In Touch Ministries)

Finally Organized by Kathy Roberts (The Tidy Tutor) Ebook

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