Thursday, October 26, 2006

Rollercoasters and the Meaning of Life

A few weekends ago, I decided to go to the King's Dominion Amusement Park with my wife. In my younger days, I have always been up for a good scare doing all the roller coasters I could jump on. I have been to Six Flags, and Hershey Park and had a good time trying to ride the wildest, craziest rides possible, getting all that adrenaline flowing and feeling the thrill in my blood. Well I must be getting old or something!!!! OK, I'm not that old yet. I'm only 27 years old, and I still enjoy doing things exciting (i.e. mountain biking, driving fast, I even break 65 mph from time to time, etc.). I'm not ready for the rocking chair. Yet going to King's Dominion was: - how do I say this - humbling. I ended up riding two rides that terrified the living daylights out of me. Maybe it's this whole marriage thing, but life didn't seem worth throwing away on a run away roller coaster. Of course roller coaster accidents rarely occur, but there is always that 0.01% chance that you will fall out. It's not worth it I tell you. There is so much life to enjoy why raise your blood pressure and make yourself feel like you are jumping off a cliff with no harness? I do hope to live a long enjoyable life, and although I had a great time with my wife, and thought it was great eating a funnel cake and riding go-carts, I believe I will leave the crazy roller coasters to those who want to make their body feel like they are about to die. I for one am for having life and having it more abundantly. Of course Jesus is the only One who can truly give that (John 10:10).

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