Wednesday, October 10, 2007

American Sweethearts Review

This movie looks very promising, but unfortunately the keyword is "looks". It has the stars John Cusack, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Billy Chrystal, and Julia Roberts. With all that star-power Chrystal and I were expecting a romantic comedy that was funny and well-acted - however, we were wrong. The script in this movie is horrid with a capital "H". The jokes are lame, the characters are not very likeable in any sense, and as each minute goes by, you begin to ask yourself - will it get any better? Basically the plot is that John Cusack's character is married to Catherine Zeta-Jones (in the real story - as well as playing sweethearts as actor and actress in a hit show they had going). However over the years they drift apart and practically hate each other. Billy Chrystal plays a movie director in this movie that is all about publicity and making sure he can bring the two stars back into a movie even though their chemistry together is about as bad as it could get. Not much to commend in this movie I'm afraid. Chrystal and I turned it off half way into it - it was THAT bad. Not content-wise, just script-wise. Save yourself 100 minutes and skip it. Another proof that it takes talented writing and directing, not just great acting to make a good movie. How the West Was Won was another movie with an all-star cast that just seemed to fall flat. No matter how much acting talent you pack into a movie, it doesn't guaranteed a great final product. Rent this movie if you doubt it.

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