Monday, January 21, 2008

What's been going on

Hello to everyone out there in bloggerville. Just thought I would post some news of what is happening in my life. Due to my increase in movie watching of late, and how little free time I have after I watch the quantity of movies I am accustomed to watching, I have decided to take a break from my online movie subscription. I have cancelled it. Instead of trying to watch 3 movies a month, I intend to watch less TV/movies and read more good books, visit my library, tour the area, and stay involved in my church more. I'm not saying that movies will never have a place in my life - I just want to make sure that movies have a much smaller place than they have been taking of late. I will still post movie reviews from time to time, but now I will probably intersperse movie reviews with book reviews and life stories of my adventures in living (however boring that might be). I also enjoy writing, so I may devote some time to actually write some blog postings that are more than my two cents on the latest from Hollywood. This is very appropriate (at least imho) also due to the writer's strike that is making TV boil down to nothing more than re-runs, news shows, sports, and reality TV. No this isn't a New Years Resolution. This is something that has dawned on me as I came home day after day plopped myself down on the couch and keep hoping that there is something worthwhile on television to numb my brain to another night. I'm sick of it I tell you! Creativity in America is suffering due to the amount of TV watching our country does. It is time to meet your neighbors, try new recipes, go for hikes in the woodlands, and find out what quality novels are being written and are freely available at your local library. Movies have their place, but in my case they were becoming a time drain that I can not afford to keep feeding. Life has too much to offer for me to stay cooped up in the house all evening!! A few movies I have seen parts of, I will now comment on briefly:

Life is Beautiful - excellently done movie about the Holocaust. Very touching and worth watching in my opinion.

Picture Perfect - amusing romantic comedy with Rachel from Friends. Didn't watch all of it, but Chrystal really enjoyed this one.

Labyrinth - Old classic movie by Jim Henson. Kind of strange, but interesting if you like fantasy. If you don't like fantasy and fairy tales, you should probably skip it. Fun songs.


Anonymous said...

Whoa. Your best post yet - I loved the brief reviews at the end. Hilarious!! Chrystal

Anonymous said...

I heard that you were stopping it because of the gingivitis cat!!

Anonymous said...

your gay.

Anonymous said...

You're nuts for not watching movies. Movies are a way of life.
If you don't watch movies you are only half alive.
Nobody likes to read books anymore that is so ancient.