Sunday, March 14, 2010

Chaos Theory Review

Since I've been watching several Ryan Reynolds movies, I decided to put this movie in our queue which is about a type A personality who does everything at a set time in a daily routine. Suddenly his wife decides to change the clock, and it completely changes his day and helps him to learn some valuable lessons from being unpredictable. Overall this didn't seem to be a real big-budget movie, nor did it really fit the catagory of laugh-out-loud comedy. I would describe it as a dramedy - mostly drama with some funny parts thrown in. I thought the acting was definitely done well, but what I really liked about this movie was the depth of the script and the overall message it conveyed. One of the main points of this movie, is - we are not masters of our own destiny. Things and circumstances happen to us that we can't always explain (imagine that!). I personally don't believe it is merely coincidence, I believe God allows things (note I didn't say causes) things in our life for an ulitmate purpose. God also may cause things in our life, but I don't believe He causes everything in our life to happen the way it does. Some things may be the result of my own stupidity, or evil forces (specifically the devil). Although He doesn't cause those things to happen, I believe God does allow them for his ultimate purposes to be accomplished in our life. Anyway - I digress. This movie explores what love is, and the main character learns some really interesting things about life as he knows it - all because his routine was upset. I recommend this movie, because it isn't your average. It actually explores a message that isn't always communicated in mainstream movies. Check it out - I give it a good 4 stars out of 5.

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