Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spitfire Grill review

I saw this movie many, many years ago, and decided to re-watch it due to me remembering how good it was, yet forgetting many of the details that made it as good as it was. Basically Spitfire Grill is about a woman who is released from prison and comes to live in a small town which (we come to find out) has some major issues going on among the townsfolk. As I watched this movie a second time, I realized it really resembles something you may watch on the Lifetime movie channel due to the story mainly involving women, yet the character development in it is very good and the acting very well done if you can make it through the slow parts. The woman's name in the story is Percy, and as she gets to know the town she realizes that they all have pains and fears of their own that make them critical and prone to gossip about any new person who decides to come live there. There is much more to the story than that, but I don't want to spoil the story for anyone who may decide to watch it. Overall I think the story this movie tells is very well done, and although it may not be the happiest of stories - it does a fairly good job showing how past experiences and past pain can really cause people to struggle with life situations. Like I mentioned before, there are some parts that are kind of slow, but if you are willing to sit down and give it some time, I think you'll find that it was a worthwhile movie to watch. I liked it, so I will give it 3.5 stars out of 5.

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