Sunday, September 16, 2007

Major League Review

Interesting... some movies I have such high hopes for end up dismal wastes of time for me. The movie on the right is one example. To be honest, I only could stand watching this movie for 1 hour (half of the length) before I just decided to turn it off as too stupid and pointless to continue. That may sound surprising coming from a guy who loved The Naked Gun movie, but this movie really disappointed me. Maybe it is due to the fact that I'm not into baseball that much. Or just found that a bunch of strange players acting stupid and swearing like sailors was just not hilarious... I'm not sure. Part of the movie is a dead serious storyline of one of the players trying to prevent his ex-wife (whom he still loves) from remarrying someone. You would expect this part to be kind of cheesy and have some funny lines mixed in as he tries to convince his wife not to remarry - but NO - the part was almost a drama in the midst of a weird comedy. I thought they should have made the whole movie crazy or just delete the subplot of the player trying to win his wife back - it just didn't fit into the movie framework (even though it was a noble thing to try). Plus this movie seemed to poke fun of Christianity in general. Let me explain.... there is one player who practices the Voodoo religion throughout the movie (including burning incense candles), and another player who almost prides himself of not being a "heathen" and praying to God rather than idols. Both the players are taking a dangerous airplane ride in stormy weather, and the Voodoo practicer is so scarred he makes the sign of the cross for safety. The "so-called" Christian player notices that, and looking above his porno magazine says something to the effect of "I saw that... don't think you can be fooling Him [referring to God] up there. He [again referring to God] knows everything." This line was obviously a total shot at hypocrisy in the Christian church and sadly this sort of thing exists. It wasn't funny to me because it didn't really convey the message that the Christian will be held accountable before God for committing adultry in his heart from reading a dirty magazine as much as the voodoo worshiper will be held accountable for worshipping idols. It also failed to show a Christian that really has a personal relationship with Christ and has turned from his sins (whether they are porno magazines or idolatry). It just made all Christians look like hypocrites. Sin is sin in God's eyes. Unfortunately, movies like this just seem to mock at the problems of hypocrisy without truly showing how stupid other sins are, or showing a redemptive way through faith in Christ how a person can be transformed and stop sinning. Due to messages like these - I have to say Major League is still in the minors in my book.

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