Monday, September 08, 2008

Failure to Launch Review

We caught this movie on TV, so I decided to review it for the blog. After seeing many previews, I wasn't necessarily sure I was really interested in plunking down money to rent this one, so I'm glad that I merely caught it on TV. Failure to Launch is the story of a guy who is about 35 years old, and still lives with his parents. They are really getting tired of supporting him, so they listen to some of their friends and hire a young lady that specializes in starting romantic relationships with guys that live at home and then helps them to move out of their parent's home. This movie wasn't quite as predictable as I guessed. There were definitely some plot twists, but overall many of the jokes were fairly funny and Chrystal and I liked the end product overall. Unfortunately, there is some inappropriate content that I didn't deem necessary to make the movie funny, but overall it was a cute story. If you are looking for a decent (I won't say "great") romantic comedy, you may want to check this one out. Not as good in my opinion as "Wayne's World 2" yet definitely more on the romantic side of things. One thumb up.

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