Monday, September 08, 2008

The Marine Review

Chrystal and I had a chance to tape this one off the TV and this is another instance of a movie that I am sure glad I didn't pay to see. Basically John Cena is the marine and he definitely is a big guy and looks the part perfectly. He gets discharged from his duty as a marine and tries to make it as a rent-a-cop. Then as a rent-a-cop he gets into a fight and throws one of the disorderly clients through the building window and loses his rent-a-cop job. After this, some bad guys bump into him at a gas station and in the process kidnap his wife and steal his SUV. Now, the marine must track them down and get his wife back! That is the set-up for this movie, which borders on the comedy action level. It has a lot of action, but the special effects are just over-the-top. For instance, one of the bad guys in the movie fires a bazooka at a cop car in the movie and blows the car about 30 feet into the air with fire going all over the place. The bad guy then looks at one of his cohorts and says "What? Too much?". CHEEESY! One interesting thing is that the bad terminator actor from the movie Terminator 2 is back as the bad guy in this movie (not as a robot bad guy). This just isn't a very serious action movie. If you want cheesy lines and effects that are over the top, you will love this movie. However, if you are looking for another interesting action movie like the Bourne Identity you probably will want to stay far, far away from this one. Half one thumb up for this.

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