Saturday, April 04, 2009

Fireproof Review

Chrystal and I rented this movie after hearing many positive reviews of the message and presentation of this movie. We were not disappointed. In this movie, Kirk Cameron is a fireman who doesn't really have a good marriage and heading down the road to divorce. As he talks to his parents, he decides to take the challenge of his dad, who gives him a "love dare" to practice learning how to love and care for his wife. This begins to work some great changes in his life as well as his wife's. We weren't expecting too much out of this movie because we knew that the production costs were probably a lot less than many hollywood movies - yet Kirk Cameron did a great job in his role and overall I believe the movie really delivers. Marriage isn't always a walk in the park as many romantic comedies portray. Times do become tough, and trials can threaten to disrupt a marriage. Yet this movie I believe accurately shows that with God's help - a marriage can be healed and can glorify God. Two thumbs up for a great movie with a great message!

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