Saturday, April 04, 2009

Tropic Thunder Review

This movie is getting a lot of press. So I decided to rent it and see how funny it really was. Ultimately, I came away feeling like it was big let down. Now I know a lot of people won't agree with me, but this was one movie that it seemed the previews have almost given away the most funny scenes. Overall the humor was just comprised of actors cussing up a storm and yelling at each other, overcoming drug addictions and just plain being stupid. Some movies are very good at being so stupid that they are funny. I didn't feel that way for Tropic Thunder. It was amusing seeing Matthew McConaughey and Tom Cruise in this movie, yet they failed to save a movie that seemed too stupid to really be worth a rental. Granted, there aren't too many movies that actually spoof a war movie, yet this one could have been much funnier in my opinion - and ended up being overtly offensive for too few laughs. Not recommended in my opinion.

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