Saturday, May 08, 2010

The Express review

OK, I've decided with my posts, that I'm going to cover quite a few sports movies and what I liked the most of each. The first one I'll be covering is The Express which is based on a true story (most sports stories tend to say this) about a star (Ernie Davis) running back and the coach that worked with him (played by Dennis Quaid). While Dennis Quaid isn't my favorite movie actor, I thought he did a really remarkable job in this movie as a gruff, no-nonsense coach who really helped to bring out the best in his player - Ernie Davis. Although this movie tends to be on the long side - I thought it did a good job moving along and drawing you into good character development. Another thing I really liked about this movie was that it didn't really have a fairy tale ending. The ending seemed true life and while it wasn't the "happily ever after", I think it did do the story of Ernie Davis justice. I say that - not really knowing much about Ernie Davis before watching this movie - so take that last statement with as much salt as you deem necessary. All in all, I liked this movie, and don't want to reveal the complete storyline in case anyone wants to watch it after reading this post. Many football movies have been produced, but "The Express" stands alone fairly well. Definitely worth a watch.

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