Monday, October 06, 2008

Shrek 3 Review

I have always been a fan of the Shrek movies. Not a die-hard fan where I wait in line on the opening day of the theatre release, yet still someone who likes to enjoy making fun of several Disney movies once in a while. So we got HBO for a few days on our cable box, and I was conveniently able to watch this movie and make a comparison compared to the other two (which I also enjoyed). My overall verdict? 4 Stars out of 5. In this movie, Shrek is about to become a dad, and he faces the fears that most fathers-to-be experience of how that is going to change his life and his wife's. Yet, even though this has standard Shrek humor throughout, I enjoyed this movie because it also had some creative moments and I never really thought "been there - done that" while watching the story unfold. Considering that this is the third movie about a green ogre that I have watched, I consider that impressive. I was also impressed by the new voice talents that they pulled in to play the characters. Shrek has always been top notch with hiring good voice actors, and they continue to impress. Great movie that has some unexpected twists and turns but overall is very well executed in my opinion.

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