Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Enforcer Review

After reviewing the first movie of "Dirty Harry" and finding some major problems with the characters and plots (please see previous post), I wasn't sure how the sequels of Dirty Harry would be. However, I was curious enough to tape them when they were on TV. This movie "The Enforcer" is actually the 3rd in the series, and caused me to really start liking the series again. The first one left me skeptical, but Clint Eastwood does seem to really own this role, and the script writing is not bad at all. The clever comments and funny situations that Harry gets himself into and out of make for some good movie moments. In this movie, Harry gets a female partner (whom he doesn't quite trust) and itsn't thrilled about it. However, over time he grows to respect her and she proves to be a great partner for him. There are some great one-liners in this movie, and the acting is very well done in my opinion. Although Harry Callahan seems to be kind of arrogant and adopts an the-end-justifies-the-means mentality, movies like this make it hard not to like him anyway. Recommended if you have an interest in Clint Eastwood or good cop movies.

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