Monday, November 10, 2008

Incredible Hulk Review

This is the new Hulk movie that was released this summer 2008. I finally got around to renting it, and was expecting something a little more classic in the action-hero comic book made movie genre. Edward Norton does a wonderful job playing Bruce who becomes Hulk when he is angered. The other actors and actresses also did a decent job and the computer effects were very heavy and well-done. However, I still didn't walk away thinking it was a great movie as I did when I watched other movies such as the "The Dark Knight" or even "Spiderman 2". Maybe it just had too much action and not enough plot or perhaps I was just not emotionally drawn into the characters as I become in some other movies. I'm not sure what it was, but I would judge this merely as a good movie, and not a great one. Of course that being said, it could be I find it hard to be fascinated with the green hero. I'm glad he wants to help people, but he just doesn't win my support. Anger usually always leads to bad things, and I usually have more respect for superheros who can control their power rather than be controlled by it. Sure, most of them struggle with their abilities from time to time, but the bottom line is that hulk doesn't win my respect. 3 stars out of 5.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey..i stumbled upon this blog...
i loved this movie ..
action packed stuff.
infact i also added it to my DVD collection ..