Saturday, November 08, 2008

Cinderella Man Review

I have actually seen this movie when it was released in the theatre and really like the character development and overall story. Since Chrystal has not seen it yet, and I would consider it one of the better Russell Crowe movies, I decided to rewatch it. Basically it is the story of a caring husband and father that has the talent to be a boxer during the time of the Great Depression. Although he was injured and had a difficult time providing for his family, the movie does a great job showing his care for his family as well as the basic desire he had to keep his family together no matter how hard it became. This movie also does a fine job making the competing boxer a genuinely fearsome character. Although not scarry in a horror movie way, it was interesting to see how they built up the danger of taking on a heavy-weight champion boxer. Similar to the time when Apollo got killed in the ring which really caused Rocky to want to take on the man who killed his friend. Don't ask me what Rocky movie that was. It may have been Rocky 4, but with 6 of them, I may have gotten confused. All in all, I found "Cinderella Man" a movie that is worth your time to watch. Although it may not be completely historically accurate, the acting in it is credible and the story worthwhile in my opinion. Two thumbs up.

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