Saturday, October 16, 2010

Iron Man 2 Review

I recently watched this movie after hearing much about it this summer but judging by the reviews from friends and relatives I decided not to pay a movie ticket price to view it.    After watching the DVD,  I feel I made the right decision.    First of all,  Iron Man 2 is not as good as the first Iron Man movie (but few sequels are).   Unfortunately movies like Spiderman 2 and The Dark Knight set the bar really, really high for superhero sequels.  In this case I believe the Iron Man series follows the more traditional sequel expectation which is that it doesn't surpass the original.    After watching this,  I feel the movie was kind of a let down for the following reasons:
1.  Tony Stark's character is just plain annoying and arrogant.  Robert Downey Jr. may just be playing the role really, really well if that is the character of the comic book hero - but to me it doesn't excuse the fact that he is a little too big for his britches.
2.  The ending of this movie is anti-climatic.   I don't want to give it away for those who may still watch this movie,  but I thought the enemy was built up to such a degree,  that the fast way he is destroyed didn't seem to be worth the watch in my opinion.    That's all I'll say on that matter.
Overall if you want a lot of special effects,  and you love the comic book character you may really enjoy this movie,  otherwise I advise you to save yourself 2 hours of your life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FeMan2 was the greatest movie of our generation. We can shut down the movie theaters for the next 990 years because this millennium has its final movie that can safely be said to be the only thing worth watching for the rest of your life. I seriously am starting to reconsider your cinematic connoisseurship and as a long time reader am on the fence about leaving Paul and Chrystal for Mark and Ford.