Tuesday, May 17, 2016

A Second Look at Steve Jobs

After watching the recent movie Steve Jobs, I decided to sit down and watch the first movie made about Steve Jobs simple called Jobs and starring Ashton Kutcher.   This movie seemed to take a very different (and less artistic) view of Steve's life and I felt gave us a broader view.  Steve Jobs focused more on Steve's difficult personality and his relationship with his girlfriend and daughter Lisa.  Jobs on the other hand focuses more on Steve's entire life (up to the launch of the iPod at least) with much less focus on his relationship to his daughter Lisa.  In Jobs, Josh Gad (the voice of Olaf in Frozen) plays Steve Wozniak and does a great job.  I thought the entire movie did a exceptional job in finding people that actually looked like the people they were playing.   Here is what I liked about Jobs compared to the movie I reviewed earlier Steve Jobs:

1. Did a great job showing more of the life of Steve Jobs and his relationship to the Apple Computer Company compared to the movie : Steve Jobs.  Granted, Steve was mainly associated with Apple Computer but I felt that Jobs did a better job showing us the big picture of the man Steve Jobs then the other movie did.

2. In many areas (at least as his family was concerned) seemed to be more accurate of the personal life of Steve Jobs.  This movie showed his rise and falls in the corporate world, and also seemed to be a bit more accurate about his family life (from my understanding).

3. Great acting in both movies.   I actually thought that the movie Jobs was not going to be as well acted as the other movie Steve Jobs.  I think they both had strong actors and acting roles and was pleasantly surprised how well the movie Jobs was acted and directed.  Ashton Kutcher surprised me, and I think really took seriously his role as Steve Jobs.

4. Josh Gad played Steve Wozniak well.   I know I stated that I really like Seth Rogen playing Steve Wozniak in the Steve Jobs movie, but I think Josh Gad may have looked more like Steve Wozniak in this movie.  I don't think the script gave him as strong of a role as in the Steve Jobs movie,  but I thought Josh Gad did a great job with the role he was given.   At the end of the movie true-life pictures are shown of the original people compared to the actors - and Josh Gad really does look a lot like Steve Wozniak.

What would have a liked to see that wasn't portrayed?

1. Coverage of his illness and maybe his work with Pixar. For some reason neither movie chose to cover either of these major parts of Steve's life.  It would have been fun to see how he started Pixar and worked with Disney,  but I guess there wasn't enough time.

2. Some inspirational quotes that motivate you to innovate in your life by Steve.  To be fair - there are some lines in the movie Jobs that are pretty inspirational as you see Steve becoming more well-known and strong in the Apple Computer Company, but I think it would have been very memorable to close the movie with several quotes from Steve's lectures/writings that would encourage others to get out and innovate.

All in all, I thought both movies were well-done for biographical movies and enjoyed viewing them. If you have any interest in the man Steve Jobs, you may want to watch Jobs along with reading a good biography about him.  He definitely left a lasting mark on the personal computer world as we know it today.  

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