Friday, May 13, 2016

Steve Jobs Review

No doubt about it: Steve Jobs was a fascinating individual and a brilliant business man in some ways.   He also had some personality traits that made him less than easy to get along with.  After Steve died a few years ago,  I went out and bought the biography about him by Walter Isaacson.  It was a fascinating read and gave me a better understanding of Steve's strength and weaknesses.  Later this movie came out, and I wanted to see how the 2nd movie about Steve portrayed him.  The first movie called Jobs starred Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs and I have yet to get around to watching that one.   This movie had some big names behind it as well, and looked like it could be a whole different perspective on Steve.

Here are my takeaways from the biographical movie Steve Jobs:

1. Great artistic look at the life of Steve Jobs.  Steve Jobs definitely appreciated art and his products (at least the ones that were designed while he was running Apple) have great attention to artistic look and feel for pieces of technology.

2. Don't expect all parts of this movie to be 100% accurate.  Having read the book and consulting with Chrystal who did some Internet research after watching this movie,  it didn't appear that the screenwriters were going for accuracy in all details.  In fact some parts of the movie are completely false and untrue about Steve's life. 

3. Great acting including a great supporting cast.  I really liked Seth Rogen as Steve Wozniak in this movie. I thought he did a really good job with the part and it was fascinating to hear some of the exchanges he had with Steve Jobs.  Kate Winslet also did a great job as Job's assistant and moral compass (at some points).

4. Great movie for showing how important family and friends are over business in a person's life.  If that is what the writers and directors were going for,  then I think they delivered that point well.

Steve Jobs wasn't a real people person.  He knew how to market but his mannerisms were hardly what you would call compassionate and caring at times.  I liked this movie for showing us an artistic look at his life (with some creative liberties) and making me realize the importance of people over products in anyone's life.  True friendships are worth more than any product line can provide.

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