Sunday, November 08, 2009

Entertainment & Escapism

I was reading "The Simple Dollar" blog this morning and came upon a great post that I highly recommend. It is: .
If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend you do before continuing my discussion below.

I would like to talk about it on my own blog in fact. Basically Trent (author of The Simple Dollar blog) talks about the difference between entertainment and escapism. I found the contrast very interesting and it made me think about my own media habits. Do I watch movies, listen to good music and play video games just to escape reality? Or are these ways for me to relax and have some fun in life without necessarily trying to escape reality? I believe personally, that I waffle sometimes between one and the other. I do enjoy movie, games, and good music but I think that the key to know if I am drifting from edifying entertainment into mindless escapism is one question: Am I trying to fill a void in my life with this activity? Every time I choose to sit down and invest time in a game, movie or listening to music I have to look at the fruit of the time spent. If I come away from the time, feeling more lonely, saddened and/or purposeless - that is a red flag that I have crossed into the land of escapism via entertainment. However, if after the time I feel like I've gained perspective or grown in my understanding of others and can then continue normal life-duties with a new perspective - I think that is well within the realm of edifying entertainment. Also, being a Christian I need to ask myself - is this something that I can glorify God doing/watching/listening to? Entertainment should never be used to fill a void. It does it poorly when used for that purpose. What entertainment can be useful for is to help bond with other people in your life, and keep your mind actively evaluating things instead of dwelling on the negatives in your life. I am a firm believer that you should never turn your brain off while allowing media to be seen or heard in your life (which is very prevelant in escapism). Everything listened to and watched should be evaluated and thought about. If the messages are agreeable - think about ways it could affect your own life, and if the messages are false/disagreeable you should be able to actively filter them from a solid worldview of Truth. In all these things, as a Christian I need to keep in mind what Paul says:

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. - Ephesians 5:15-16 NIV

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