Sunday, November 08, 2009

The Scarlet Pimpernel Review

Due to my interest in Zorro, I noticed that Netflix recommended "The Scarlet Pimpernel" movie to me, so I added it to my queue and this weekend actually got around to watching it. Although the movie is about 2.5 hours, I found that I enjoyed the story and that the acting wasn't terrible. I think Jane Seymour is an excellent actress, and all in all, I thought this movie was pretty good. Basically the story is about an Englishman who is trying to save people from death during the French Revolution (I think). To do that, he (the Scarlet Pimpernel) must come up with a dual lifestyle much like Zorro, Batman or Superman in order to continue his job while remaining unsuspicious. To me this movie came off as a cross between "Pride and Prejudice" and "The Mask of Zorro". The first movie I'm not particularly fond of, while I love the Zorro movies. This movie had enough of the Zorro-like theme to keep my interest, but it had enough romance and fancy dancing to keep Chrystal's interest. So to sum it up - great movie. Out of 5 stars this movie wins a solid 4 in my book.

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