Sunday, December 23, 2007

Blades of Glory Review

Over the holidays I rented the movie "Blades of Glory" and finally had a chance to sit down and watch it. I was actually surprised about how much I laughed at this movie. I am not a big fan of ice skating and thought a funny spoof movie about it would be hilarious. I enjoyed "Napolean Dynamite" and some of the Will Farrell's movies, so I figured this movie had a lot of potential in the laugh department. It did not disappoint in the laughs, but unfortunately the writers had to add a lot of sexual humor to this movie that wasn't necessary at all. Basically the plot involves Will Farrell and Jon Heder getting kicked out of solo skating tournaments due to getting in a huge fight during an awards ceremony. Their licenses for competing in tournaments are banned for life until someone finds that that ruling only applies to solo tournaments and that they could skate together in couples tournaments with no legal issues. What results are some of the funniest skating moments I have ever witnessed in a movie. This movie had me laughing so hard that I even rewound parts to rewatch how funny they were. Due to some parts having a lot of inappropriate innuendo I probably wouldn't buy this movie, but some of the scenes are really laugh-out-loud funny (as long as you don't mind making fun of ice skating). Minus some of the inappropriate material, this is a very funny movie. Unfortunately due to some of the content, this movie gets a "B-" from me. Too bad the writers have to include inappropriate humor in modern comedies.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Probably going to skip this one based on the innuendo, and based on the skating. :-)