Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Untamed Heart Review

Chrystal is a fan of Christian Slater movies (especially the 80s and early 90s ones) and had seen this romance drama so I added it to the Blockbuster queue to see what it was like. I'm personally not a huge Slater fan, but in some movies I admit he has some talent in the acting arena. This was an interesting movie, because it wasn't really a light-hearted romantic comedy, yet it wasn't pure drama. It was a very well-told story of an orphan boy (Slater) with some social handicaps who ends up falling in love with a waitress. There are definitely some rough parts of this movie, but the director did a great job really causing the characters to shine through so that they seem very 3 dimensional throughout. This is definitely a movie I believe girls will favor over guys, but it had enough going for it that I sat all the way through it. It definitely is a sad movie, and I wouldn't necessarily call the movie edifying, but if it set out to be an emotionally moving love story, I would say it succeeded. Well done, but not that high on my list to see again.

1 comment:

Matt said...

I think I'll skip this one. Check out the movie "Goodnight Mister Tom".