Tuesday, October 14, 2008

3:10 To Yuma Review

I'm not a huge fan of western movies. To me they have had their time in the spotlight, and just mention the character John Wayne and I'm sure about 7 westerns pop into your mind. However, this movie was recommended, and after watching it I was blown away by how well-done it was. The basic story is a poor farmer who has no respect from his son decides to help bring in a killer (Russell Crowe) for a $200 reward (and to earn respect from his son). The story is about his trek with the killer to the train that leaves at 3:10. This movie is very rich in character development and has some great action scenes as well. Russell Crowe was suberb in this movie, and for me I think it was one of the best movies I believe he has ever played in. Christian Bale also has a fine role. I was so impressed with this movie that I ended up buying it shortly after watching it. Great acting, great story, and a worthwhile ending. This movie has actually made me have hope that good western movies can come back. One note: although most of the bad characters in this movie quote the Bible, I didn't detect it as mocking Christians at all. People have been twisting the Bible and taking it out of context since it has been written, and I don't think that disproves it at all. As Romans says in chapter 3 verse 4 : "... Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar.. ". God's Word will continue to stand regardless of evil men misusing it. That being said, I found this movie fantastic and look forward to watching it again. Two thumbs up. Way up.

1 comment:

J.A.W. said...

I agree that this is a very good movie. When we rented it, we also got the original 1957 version of 3:10 to Yuma, and watched it first. This one stars Glenn Ford as outlaw Ben Wade, and Van Heflin as rancher Dan Evans. You should check it out!