Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Life with a DVR

Well I finally caved and got a DVR (or tivo to some) and I must admit, it is really helping me keep up with movies like I never thought possible. I am really enjoying catching up with my favorite shows on the weekend, when I have some time to kill rather than having to restructure my life around a TV show (which is something that rarely happens). I especially like taping "Lost" and "The Office", so that I actually can keep up with the seasons, rather than wait until they are released on DVD. Fast-forwarding commercials is a wonderful time-saver as well. Alone with my upgrade to a DVR, I decided to cut down my Netflix plan, and get a few movie channels and have been busy taping some old and newer movies that I never got around to watching. My wife and I watched some of the new movie Guess Who last night and thought it was a lot of fun. I also taped the movie to the right. Yes, one of the hits that Sly Stallone made in his prime: RAMBO 2! It wasn't too bad considering it was made in the 80s. I thought Stallone did a great job acting and it definitely inspired patriotism. Of course, compared to newer shows like 24, the violence and action leave quite a bit to be desired, but it was classic 80s material and for the times, I believe it was well-made and well-acted. The closing song was totally 80s as well so it should be seen for old-times sake if nothing else. Recommended if you can put your desire for realism on the back-burner and enjoy some kick-butt action.


Anonymous said...

I would say Rambo2 was alright but Rambo 1 first blood, was the best, and if you saw Rambo2 bro you got to see Rambo3, stallion saving the people of afghanistan, well i guess he did not do such a good job, because for some reason, I am here years later trying to do the same thing, have a good one bro

Anonymous said...

That was hilarious Carl! God blessed you with an awesome sense of humor despite your current circumstances.

We're praying for you!