Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Scent of a Woman review

Wow, this must be some sort of record for me to be updating the blog this much, but I just finished watching The Scent of a Woman and thought I would record some thoughts about it. Very well-made well-acted movie about a boy who befriends a retired Air Force Colonel and learns about life with him. I won't give too much away but it is a fascinating story if you can excuse Al Pacino's dirty mouth once-in-a-while. I thought this movie really showed the value of standing by someone and standing by values. Although it is interesting in this movie, the main character (Chris O'Donnell) is faced with the dilemma of snitching on some of his classmates. The movie makes a big deal out of the character he has to not snitch on his friends who destroyed property of one of the head teachers, but I was kind of puzzled at how highly that was played up. The boys in question obviously destroyed private property, and yet the main character didn't want to tell on them because he had so much character. There is a time when character is allowing people to suffer the consequences for their actions so that they will grow wiser. That doesn't seem to have registered with the writer of this movie. However, that being said, if you can excuse the fact that the older Al Pacino has several parts where his language and conversation are pretty obscene, this movie is worth the time to watch. 1.75 thumbs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Honey - I was puzzled about that character point as well. :)
Love, Wifey