Monday, January 04, 2016

What does change cost?

In light of the New Year holiday I thought I would continue to blog on resolutions and the cost of change.  Recently I pulled out $30 in 1 dollar bills for the purpose of motivating me to hit the gym every day of the month.   The idea I had was that I would pay myself $1 every time I successfully got up and went to the gym first thing in the morning.  After a month went by -  this had not worked out as well as I had hoped.  I came to realize that $30 dollars in ones does not motivate me as much as I thought it would.   Sure I might be able to buy something nice with $30 at the end of the month but it didn't get me excited to throw my sneakers on and head to the gym.  Which brings me to my question of the day -

1. What is the minimum amount of money paid daily it would take you to start a new habit?  
2. If you had a glass jar and could pick the amount of money that went into it every day you continued a new habit,  just how much per day would it take for you make the sacrifice to continue the habit all month?

I know for me it would be more than $1 a day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Didn't we use those ones to order out food delivery? Hmm..